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Eliminatrix is a complete gut health product designed to cleanse, detox, and promote a healthy gut microbiome. This natural formula delivers digestive enzymes, probiotics, prebiotics, and chelation agents to help remove toxins and restore gut health function. Simply taking Eliminatrix will help to cleanse the gut, relieve constipation, promote a healthy gut microbiome, gently detox the gut, and remove heavy metals.

Taking ELIMINATRIX will help to:

  • Cleanse the Gut
  • Help With Constipation
  • Promote a Healthy Gut Microbiome
  • Gently Detox the Gut
  • Binds Heavy Metals
Bromelain is a group of several compounds, including protein-digesting enzymes known as peptidases.  Peptidases have many essential functions in various processes, including digestion, proliferation control, cell growth and death, regulation of protein synthesis, and degradation.  Peptidases belong to the class of hydrolases, that hydrolyze the peptide bond in amino acid chains.
Bromelain acts as an antibacterial agent by inhibiting the growth of ‘bad’ intestinal bacteria. Bromelain induces enzymatic protein breakdown in the surface membrane of bacteria, which ultimately weakens the cell wall, leads to cell leakage, swells, breaks down in the bacterial membrane, and damages the cell.
Bromelain may also have anti-inflammatory action, reducing gut inflammation.  It is thought that bromelain exerts a systemic response through the modulation of multiple inflammatory mediators.
Aloe Vera Powder
Aloe vera has also been shown to have laxative, antimicrobial and prebiotic activity and has been promoted for use in constipation and gastrointestinal disorders.  Aloe vera may improve intestinal motility, increase faecal volume, and help to normalize body weight.  Aloe vera extract works by increasing intestinal motility due to the presence of anthraquinone.
Anthraquinones that are present in aloe vera act as potent laxatives through mucous secretion stimulation, thereby increasing intestinal water content and intestinal transit time.  Active anthraquinones can be metabolized by colonic flora, to reactive compounds including aloe-emodin, aloin, which have been linked to aloe’s purgative action.
Aloe also contains the prebiotic fructan, acemannan which can slow down the digestive process and increase the production of healthy gut bacteria, by increasing the amount of short chain fatty acids (SCFA).
Slippery Elm Bark
Slippery elm bark has been used in traditional medicine to treat inflammatory conditions of the gastrointestinal tract.  Slippery elm bark is a demulcent and emollient for gastrointestinal tract to treat hyperacidity, inflammation, ulcerative and colitis conditions.
It has been shown to have a positive effect on the gut microbiome, increasing the amount of healthy bacterial species in the gut and increasing bile acid biosynthesis.
Slippery elm bark has also shown to have gastroprotective effects, showing significant antioxidant activity, providing protection against gastritis and gastric ulcers, as well as providing protection against liver damage.
Sophora Japonica 
Sophora japonica is a tree species, from Asia, also known as the pagoda tree.  It has traditional medicinal use for reducing intestinal inflammation.  The main active ingredient is rutin, but it also contains other flavonoids and alkaloids.
The mechanism of sophora is not completely understood, but it has shown therapeutic benefits for reducing inflammation in animal models of colitis and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).  They’ve also shown potential for helping balance the gut microbiome.
Rhubarb Powder
The active ingredient in rhubarb is the anthraquinone compounds including the sennoside and other dianthrone derivatives, which are metabolized by β-glucosidase of enterobacterial origin and are converted into rhein anthrone, which produces the purgative activity.
Rhubarb has strong antibacterial activity and a wide antibacterial spectrum, and it can also reverse bacterial resistance to antibiotics by inhibiting the formation of bacterial biofilms. Oral rhubarb has intervention effects on the ecological balance of intestinal flora, thus playing a positive role in inflammation, immunity, and other aspects of the body.
Rhubarb can maintain the balance of gut microbiota, make the disturbed flora return to normal and prevent the gut microbiota from shifting32.  It can also ameliorate mucosal damage through modulating intestinal permeability by increasing the expression of junction proteins.
Rhubarb can regulate the immune function of the intestine – increasing expression of immunoglobulin.  It can restore barrier function – promoting secretion of mucus in the mucosal barrier forming a mucosal layer.  Rhubarb can regulate gastrointestinal motility disorders increasing intestinal blood perfusion, clearing gastrointestinal oxygen free radicals, and eliminating inflammatory factors.
Activated Charcoal Powder
Activated charcoal works by binding toxins in the gastrointestinal tract. Activated charcoal will absorb most toxins.  Activated charcoal has been widely used in clinical settings in the treatment of poisoning, in conjunction with gastric emptying to prevent toxicity.
Activated charcoal enhances toxin elimination by interrupting enterohepatic circulation or by binding toxins that have been reintroduced into the gastrointestinal tract, by passive or active transport.
EDTA is ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, an amino-polycarboxylic acid that is used as a chelation agent that binds metals including iron, calcium, and iron to help facilitate their excretion.
Chelation agents function by forming bonds with various metal ions, including calcium, zinc, iron, and lead. After these bonds are formed, a soluble chelate-metal complex is created that is excreted from the body.
Magnesium is an essential mineral for optimal metabolic function in the body.  Magnesium is involved in many metabolic processes including muscle contraction, energy production and thyroid hormone production.  Magnesium supplementation has also been used in the treatment of constipation.
Magnesium is converted into magnesium bicarbonate Mg(HCO3)2 by sodium hydrogen carbonate (NaHCO3) from pancreatic secretion in the duodenum, and into magnesium carbonate (MgCO3).
Mg(HCO3)2 and MgCO3 increase the osmotic pressure of the intestinal lumen fluid, thereby promoting the transfer of water to the intestinal lumen and increasing the water content and volume of the stool. In addition, the swollen stool stimulates the intestinal wall and intestinal propulsive motor activity.
Pine Bark Extract (95% Proanthocyanidins)
Pine bark extract is derived from Pinus pinaster, a type of pine tree native to areas of the Mediterranean.  Pine bark extract is a source of phytocompounds including flavonoids, catechins, phenolic acids and proanthocyanidins.  Proanthocyanidins are a class of polyphenols that are oligomeric flavonoids.  The active oligomeric proanthocyanidins provide antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties.
Pine bark extract has been shown to have antioxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties within the gastrointestinal system.  The polyphenols in pine bark extract have been shown to have a high anti-microbial effect on negative bacteria, maintaining the positive lactic acid bacteria population. Pine bark extract has also been shown to reduce inflammatory compounds within the gut.
Bacilius coagulens 
Bacillus coagulans are a lactic acid, spore forming bacteria, known as a probiotic.  Probiotics encourage the growth of ‘good’ or beneficial bacteria, this helps keep the harmful, ‘bad’ bacteria from over taking the gut.  These good bacteria help encourage the production of immune cells and natural anti-bodies that can help bolster the immune system, reduce inflammation, and help improve nutrient absorption.
Bacillus coagulans have been shown to aid in the digestion of carbohydrates and protein, including increasing the absorption of key branched chain amino acids.  This increased absorption has been associated with a reduction in muscle soreness and muscle damage, as well as an increase in recovery, strength, and power.
Fulvic Acid 
Fulvic acid is a group of diverse compounds known as humic substances, which are by-products of organic degradation from microorganisms. Fulvic acid consist of small molecular weight, hydrophilic, carboxylic-containing molecules including a mixture of covalently linked phenolic, quinoid and benzene carboxylic acid compounds.
Fulvic acid may work as both an anti-inflammatory and a pro-inflammatory helping reduce cytokine expression after exposure to toxins. Fulvic acid has also been shown to reduce COX2 and prostaglandin secretion.
Fulvic acid may also improve gut flora, nutrient, and mineral absorption in the gut.  Fulvic acid binds to ingredients, increasing absorption across the intestine and into the blood, thus increasing bioavailability and delivery to target tissues.
How fast does ELIMINATRIX start to work?
ELIMINATRIX will work with the first dose to help cleanse your gut and relieve constipation.  However, to promote a healthy gut microbiome and remove toxins from the gut, ELIMINATRIX should be taken daily to restore gut health.
Can I use ELIMINATRIX to perform a detox cleanse? 
Yes, ELIMINATRIX can be used as a 10-day detox to cleanse the gut, remove toxins, and restore the natural gut microbiome.  Take 2 capsules, 3 times per day – morning, midday and prior to sleep.  Be sure to drink a minimum of 1 glass of water with each dose.
When is the best time to take ELIMINATRIX?
ELIMINATRIX should be taken with a glass of water before bed.
Can I combine with other BiogenixUSA products?
Yes, depending on your goals, ELIMINARIX can be combined with any BiogenixUSA products to help meet your lifestyle goals.


Gut health is one of the most important aspects of a healthy functioning body.  The complex interactions occurring between the host and the different microorganisms helps regulate various pathways in immunity, energy, mood, lipid, and glucose metabolism.  In fact, the microbiome can play a huge role in host health and protection, and an imbalance in this system can result in health problems, or worse the on-set of disease.
Keeping the gut healthy can be accomplished by eating the right nutrients and fiber but also providing nutrients to help keep it functioning optimally.  BiogenixUSA has created ELIMINATRIX.  A complete, natural gut health formula designed to gently cleanse the digestive system, restore the gut microbiome, and remove toxins via chelation.

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Eliminatrix ($99.95)